VHIA’s members care for people. We aim to care for our members.
Founded in 1994, VHIA is a specialist Registered Organisation of employers. We represent the industrial interests of our members and associate members throughout Victoria in:
Public health services
Community health centres
Women’s Health
Aged care
- Welfare sectors
In Victoria, each public health service is a separate employer and every community health centre its own legal entity. We help our employer members with enterprise bargaining and industrial relations issues.
Our Vision
We will be responsive to our members through the provision of expert relevant advice.
We will be known for our integrity, trusted for our leadership, and respected for our expertise and transparency.
We will be visionary in continuously improving and leveraging ideas through alliance relationships and technology.
We will partner with our members to deliver organisational benefits through strategically targeted activities.
VHIA's ISO 9001:2015 Certification
VHIA has been assessed and certified by Compass Assurance Services to the following management system and guidelines:
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management Systems.
VHIA is a registered organisation representing the industrial interests of its members in Victorian health and community services. VHIA develops and implements enterprise agreements for its members and provides access to industrial advice and support.